Julie Borg | WORLD
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Julie Borg

Julie Borg

Julie is a WORLD contributor who covers science and intelligent design. A clinical psychologist and a World Journalism Institute graduate, Julie resides in Dayton, Ohio.

Articles by Julie Borg
Soft spot for you

Soft spot for you

Mother’s brain appears programmed to bond with baby

Scientists hope new discovery will help explain mysteries surrounding the beginning of the universe

Drug company Merck hopes to have a licensed serum ready for use next year

Is a new fossil the tail of a feathered dinosaur?


One astrophysicist has a new theory about the sky over Bethlehem when Jesus was born

New Discovery Institute survey analyzes evolutionary theory’s effect on faith in God

Archaeologists uncover surface of Jesus’ traditional tomb

Researcher looks at popular pop culture magazine for clues to rise in single-parent families

New research shows brain’s negative response to lying decreases with repetition

New fertility technique for mice has troubling implications