Joseph Backholm | WORLD
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Joseph Backholm

Joseph Backholm

Joseph is a senior fellow for Biblical worldview and strategic engagement at the Family Research Council. Previously, he served as a legislative attorney and spent 10 years as the president and general counsel of the Family Policy Institute of Washington. He also served as legal counsel and director of “What Would You Say?” at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview where he developed and launched a YouTube channel of the same name. His YouTube life began when he identified as a 6-foot-5 Chinese woman in a series of videos exploring the logic of gender identity. He and his wife, Brook, have four children.

Articles by Joseph Backholm

The courage of Barronelle Stutzman

Joseph Backholm | She refused to worship the culture’s gods

Joseph Backholm | Cancel culture is real, and it’s not about “accountability”

Joseph Backholm | The architects of progressive education are telling us what they plan for our children