Joel Hannahs | WORLD
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Joel Hannahs

Joel is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Joel Hannahs
Marriage, money, Iowa

Marriage, money, Iowa

Newt Gingrich endears himself to Iowa conservative leader ahead of endorsement decision

Ron Paul continues to gain ground in the polls and in the important caucus state of Iowa

Six GOP hopefuls try to grab the attention of Iowans in a nationally televised debate

As six candidates appear on Huckabee, a new Iowa poll shows a clear divide in the GOP race


Joel Hannahs | His grandparents are American missionaries and his mother is their U.S.-born daughter, but the U.S.

The importance of Iowa caucuses in an election year is often questioned but rarely in doubt

Rick Perry puts his faith right out front in a new TV ad directed at Iowans

An Iowa family values organization narrows its choices to four GOP candidates

Six GOP hopefuls gather together to seek the blessing of Iowa voters

GOP hopeful Herman Cain goes before the media to deny sexual harassment accusations