Joe Maxwell | WORLD
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Joe Maxwell

Joe is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Joe Maxwell

Hedging the bet

Joe Maxwell | Las Vegas lobbies hard to weaken federal probe of gaming

Joe Maxwell | Back to the scene of the crime: In Cambridge, where early American Puritanism once reigned, relativism now holds sway.

Joe Maxwell | Salem's celebrated witches are more in vogue than ever

Joe Maxwell | A nationally acclaimed cartoonist is the latest casualty in the cultural elite's ongoing purge of Christian ideas from the mainstream media, but he hopes his persistence will expose them for "what they are" and help pierce the veil of journalistic object


Joe Maxwell | Voters in Taiwan defy China's threats, elect new president

Joe Maxwell | Big business, small town: A snapshot of economic uncertainty

Joe Maxwell | Dunblane murders remind the world of man's wickedness

Joe Maxwell | For pro-life Christians, is every child a wanted child-even if it means adopting transracially?