Jill is a correspondent for WORLD. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. Jill lives in Orange County, Calif., with her husband, two sons, and three daughters.
Follow Jill Nelson on Twitter @WorldNels
Jill Nelson | Murder case shows Turkey has a long way to go in protecting minorities
Jill Nelson | Israelis and Palestinians leave Annapolis pledged to negotiate but without making needed compromises
Jill Nelson | Jewish law in this sabbatical year has farmers looking not to lie fallow but to fight
Jill Nelson | Turkey's parliament authorizes military into northern Iraq to oust rebels
Jill Nelson | The window of opportunity is made of glass, notes one Israeli leader, but U.S.
Jill Nelson | Arab-Israeli reconciliation "possible," says Rice
Jill Nelson | A once protected-and ancient-Christian community in Egypt faces new threats
Jill Nelson | Meth addiction may be the greatest threat yet to face U.S.
Jill Nelson | The battle in Gaza is a humanitarian and security nightmare-and an opportunity for anti-Hamas Palestinians to start fresh
Jill Nelson | Turkey's upcoming election will be a test for democracy in the Muslim world