Jeremy Dys | WORLD
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Jeremy Dys

Jeremy Dys

Jeremy Dys is senior counsel to First Liberty Institute, a nationwide religious liberty legal organization dedicated to defending religious freedom for all Americans.

Follow Jeremy Dys on Twitter @jeremydys

Articles by Jeremy Dys
When an invitation is “indoctrination”

When an invitation is “indoctrination”

Jeremy Dys | Hulu turns down a church ad that merely invited viewers to come

Jeremy Dys | Bryan, Ohio, leaders harass a church that helps the homeless

Jeremy Dys | Yet again, the importance of the First Amendment is made clear

Jeremy Dys | Calling for an equal application of the FACE Act


Jeremy Dys | Church use of public school buildings is both good and legal

Jeremy Dys | It’s time to stop the violence and intimidation

Jeremy Dys | And another big win for religious liberty at the Supreme Court