Jay Grelen | WORLD
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Jay Grelen

Jay is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Jay Grelen

Throwing the book at 'em

Jay Grelen | As local prosecutors refuse to tackle "mainstream" kiddie porn, citizens across the country protest the retail peddlers

Jay Grelen | The ends and means of mission fundraising

Jay Grelen | Alabama's Ten Commandments judge awaits day in court


Jay Grelen | Kid-porn picture book torn up in store after protest ignored

Jay Grelen | The architect of last year's reform has new battles to fight

Jay Grelen | He walks and talks and quacks like a conservative, but he's much more than that.

Jay Grelen | "Political power struggle" squeezes religious freedom

Jay Grelen | Pornography as literature on a Christian college campus?

Jay Grelen | Little-league parents in a big-league battle over porn flicks