Janie B. Cheaney | WORLD
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Janie B. Cheaney

Janie B. Cheaney

Janie is a senior writer who contributes commentary to WORLD and oversees WORLD’s annual Children’s Books of the Year awards. She also writes novels for young adults and authored the Wordsmith creative writing curriculum. Janie resides in rural Missouri.

Articles by Janie B. Cheaney

Manual underdrive

Society mindlessly denigrates the 'work of our hands'

Government funding for research is bound to come with bias

Janie B. Cheaney | The tragedy of George Tiller's murder will only further obscure the truth about abortion

Some Christians are bringing a most private matter way out into the open


Doctrine brings a famous atheist back to faith

What will success mean for Britian's Susan Boyle?

Scientific evidence won't likely sway those who are sold on socialism

The definition of "hero" has been defined down

But two Canadians win battles against "human-rights" authorities

Post-literate college students reveal a 'resentful incapacity'