Jamie is a journalist and the former national editor of WORLD Magazine. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and also previously worked for The Charlotte World. Jamie resides in Charlotte, N.C.
Jamie Dean | In New Delhi, Chicken McCurry and on-call operators with names like Josh spur one of the world's fastest-growing economies amid a city of caste systems and poverty
Jamie Dean | Beneath the financial frenzy that is Charlotte, urban revitalization remains long,
Jamie Dean | Even as a scandal over medical care for veterans was building, Marines were helping other Marines recover from their wounds
Jamie Dean | Public school sparks debate with classroom presentation on Islam
Jamie Dean | A campaign stop in battleground South Carolina shows Hillary Clinton grappling with how to play the 'woman card'-and how not to play it
Jamie Dean | Human trafficking in the United States preys on often helpless victims in surprisingly bucolic settings
Jamie Dean | A new commander and thousands of new U.S.
Jamie Dean | Long-shot campaigns aren't new to Duncan Hunter, and now the California Republican hopes a platform of closed borders and restricted trade will beat the odds and lift him to the White House
The ugliness of disease and sin is the backdrop for Painted Veil's beauty
Jamie Dean | Before a skeptical Senate committee, Lt.