Jacob Parrish | WORLD
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Jacob Parrish

Jacob is a former WORLD contributor.

Articles by Jacob Parrish
Fight to the finish

Fight to the finish

Democrats narrowly pass a landmark energy reform bill Friday, despite Republicans staunchly opposing it

A four-day conference in Washington, D.C., helps push public charter school initiatives

Because of a high price tag, the Senate Finance Committee applies the brakes on the health care reform train

Congressman challenges the NBA's rule requiring aspiring players to be at least 19 and one year out of high school


In the aftermath of the Holocaust Museum shooting, the political left hints at conspiracies afoot

A Georgia representative wants to remind Americans how the country was founded on biblical principles

An expert panel testifying on climate change tried to answer Sen.

In a bipartisan effort, a statue of the late former president is unveiled in the Capitol Rotunda

The debate over the government's role in health care reform heats up on Capitol Hill