Hugh Hewitt | WORLD
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Hugh Hewitt

Hugh is a talk radio host and former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Hugh Hewitt

Accept no substitute

"Outside the mainstream" is a term the left, and their media allies, use to describe "center-right Christians who lean Republican"

Careful reading of the leaders of the evangelical movement reveals nothing paralleling the level of hate and anger coming from Senate Democrats

It's unsure how some Senate Republicans will vote on ending the filibuster of Bush's judicial nominees

Many new believers don't know much of the struggles of Luther, Calvin, and Knox, but they all know of John Paul II and see him as having championed a social agenda that they largely share


For anti-Christian propagandists in the media no big lie is too big and no exaggeration too bold

Widespread anger over increasingly imperial courts is fueling demands for political action to check this very un-American trend toward unchecked judicial authority

A country undertakes what it needs, and border security has become a necessity

Dan Rather's two biggest contributions to American history are his direct assists to the elections of both President Bush 41 and President Bush 43

A potential Supreme Court nomination could provide a good opportunity for Virginia Sen.