Gene Edward Veith | Drama "holds the mirror up to nature"-says newfound movie favorite William Shakespeare in Hamlet-and shows "virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure." WORLD covers movies because, for better
Two studies help make the point that sex is better in marriage than on the television screen
But the media ignore evidence showing Thomas Jefferson and William Jefferson Clinton are not so similar
But the academy rushes to her defense
The Prince of Egypt was a box-office bust, but will the film have a longer-term cultural impact?
Has the humanistic education of public schools found a home in some Sunday schools and youth groups?
Public reaction to the possible divorce of Amy Grant and Gary Chapman shows confusion
Once considered the champions of ordinary Americans, now Democrats demand sexual freedom
A phony study of gender bias in the classroom and a new movie show how feminists are the real sexists
The chronicler of radical chic and trophy wives captures the nineties in his new novel