Gene Edward Veith | The rise of historical fiction and narrative history-which often takes God into account through richly detailed stories of the era-marks a positive cultural trend
The state has a God-given authority of its own, and priests and pastors are not above the law of the land
Narnia is attacked by another fantasy world, one that explicitly targets Christianity and praises rebel angels
Alone among the big networks, NBC thrives by targeting "people who actually shop, not shoplift"
The nation's universities are going to extraordinary lengths to cater to homosexual students
Ecstasy is the drug of choice for young people, but after the high wears off, life is anything but ecstatic
If the charges bear out, a lesser-noticed lawsuit against Arthur Andersen could bankrupt the accounting giant
Gene Edward Veith | News media accounts fail to explore New Age and left-wing connections suggested by bomber's note
Many prominent arguments today just don't make sense
"Virtual" porn still harms children