Erin Hawley | WORLD
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Erin Hawley

Erin Hawley

Erin is a wife, mom of three, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, and a law professor at Regent University School of Law.

Articles by Erin Hawley
Censoring the truth

Censoring the truth

Erin Hawley | Facebook caved under pressure from the Biden-Harris administration, which sought to silence speech it didn’t like

Erin Hawley | The Supreme Court protects women and girls and their right to compete in athletics

Erin Hawley | Pete Buttigieg’s comments reveal what legal abortion is really about

Erin Hawley | Thanks to the Supreme Court, federal agencies are no longer given deference in interpreting open-ended or ambiguous laws


Erin Hawley | A closer look at the court’s dismissal in Idaho v. United States

Erin Hawley | With yesterday’s Supreme Court punt, the court’s NRA decision gains importance

Erin Hawley | The FDA evades accountability for its recklessness on abortion drugs, but the fight isn’t over

Erin Hawley | The Biden administration politicizes the FACE Act with one-sided enforcement

Erin Hawley | The Biden administration tries to force Idaho ER doctors to end unborn lives in violation of state law

Erin Hawley | The Florida Supreme Court upholds pro-life law and puts the issue before the state’s voters