Emma Waters | WORLD
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Emma Waters

Emma Waters

Emma is a research associate in The Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family.

Articles by Emma Waters
Free speech accountability

Free speech accountability

Emma Waters | The arrest of Telegram’s Pavel Durov in France raises concerns about censorship

Emma Waters | Effective activism by women can be found in the Bible and present-day Iran

Emma Waters | Switzerland rejects a futuristic and unethical pod for assisted suicide

Emma Waters | How an open southern border fuels child trafficking in the United States


Becoming a parent should be encouraged for the untold benefits to families and communities rather than a solution to the birth rate decline

Emma Waters | But children and their mothers are much more than a mere means to an end

Emma Waters | The Lone Star State’s crusade against pornography

Unregulated commercial surrogacy makes children vulnerable to abuse

Emma Waters | The surrogacy industry is a very dark business indeed

Emma Waters | The effort to raise birth rates will fall flat unless the number of marriages increases