Emma Perley | WORLD
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Emma Perley

Articles by Emma Perley
History Book: Jonestown drinks the Kool-Aid 45 years ago

History Book: Jonestown drinks the Kool-Aid 45 years ago

Plus, saving a castaway in the Bahamas and Pilgrim’s Progress author John Bunyan is arrested

Plus, a missionary to Pacific islanders and the War Powers Act turns 50

The Hokie BugFest in Blacksburg, Va., draws kids and collectors to celebrate creepy crawlies

Plus, a prison break by helicopter in Ireland and rescuing whales from arctic ice


Generative AI tools make strides in content creation but still fail to match human common sense

Leaders from Israel and the Palestinians sign a peace memorandum 25 years ago. Plus, a record in flight and Deep Space 1

Danish Christians help Jews escape the Gestapo during WWII 80 years ago

A Christian woman learns what it means to patrol the line between life and death

A Christian woman learns what it means to patrol the line between life and death