Emily is a book critic and writer for WORLD. She is a World Journalism Institute and University of Mississippi graduate, previously worked at Peachtree Publishers, and developed a mother’s heart for good stories over a decade of homeschooling. Emily resides with her family in Nashville, Tenn.
Follow Emily Whitten on Twitter @emilyawhitten
Consider a podcast, an audiobook, and children’s Scripture songs to fill the time on summer road trips
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi offers insight and compassion for Muslims and exposes errors in Islamic theology
George MacDonald’s The Princess and the Goblin is one of the first fantasy books written for children
Two recent books shed more light on the life and principles of the civil rights leader
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Four new releases reviewed
Author Marty Machowski finds unique ways to reinforce Biblical truth
TRENDING | What does the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. mean for discussions of race today?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer inspires authentic Christian community
Christopher Yuan’s video series emphasizes the seriousness of sexual sin and the power of God’s love