Collin is WORLD’s arts and culture editor. He is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Louisiana State University and resides with his wife and four children in Sugar Land, Texas.
Follow Collin Garbarino on Twitter @collingarbarino
MOVIE | Intriguing fictitious setup pits Sigmund Freud against C.S. Lewis, but the film meanders
Families have a few decent options to look forward to this holiday season
MOVIE | This mundane portrayal of a Nazi family’s banal existence in the shadow of Auschwitz has an aura of pointlessness
MOVIE | A quirky, phobia-plagued detective returns from retirement to catch one more criminal
TELEVISION | A family grapples with the street-level fallout of monster attacks in this expensive Apple show, but melodrama and an LGBTQ subplot weaken the story
The Shift by Angel Studios gives the story of Job a sci-fi twist but leaves out some important theological truths
How do we sort through headlines about campus protests and guest speakers getting shouted down? We’re joined by WORLD Arts and Culture Editor Collin Garbarino to ask: What’s happening on America’s college campuses?
The big budget films Napoleon and Wish waste time and talent on trivialities
New installments from The Hunger Games and Trolls movie franchises fail to inspire