Colin J. Smothers | WORLD
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Colin J. Smothers

Colin J. Smothers

Colin serves as executive director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and executive editor of CBMW’s Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology. He also serves as director of the Kenwood Institute and is an adjunct professor at Boyce College. He is the author of several essays and books, most recently co-authoring an eight-week curriculum, Male & Female He Created Them (Christian Focus, 2023). Colin and his wife, Elise, live in Louisville, Ky. with their six children.

Articles by Colin J. Smothers
The priority of defending life

The priority of defending life

Colin J. Smothers | The sanctity of human life is absolutely fundamental

Colin J. Smothers | The veneration of childlessness is an integral part of the progressive war on the family

Colin J. Smothers | What gender language “monitoring” at the United Methodist General Conference reveals

Colin J. Smothers | The PCUSA prepares to impose LGBTQ affirmation across the denomination


Colin J. Smothers | The left treats the human body and family as plastics to be fashioned at will

Colin J. Smothers | We must trust God’s Word to set us straight the way a pilot has to trust his instruments

Colin J. Smothers | The false, bad, and ugly stand allied against the true, good, and beautiful

Colin J. Smothers | Progressives balk at ancient Christian ethics as though they’re new

Colin J. Smothers | A look at what may be behind declining support for same-sex marriage