Charles Horton, M.D. | WORLD
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Charles Horton, M.D.

Charles is WORLD's medical correspondent. He is a World Journalism Institute graduate and a physician. Charles resides near Pittsburgh with his wife and four children.

Articles by Charles Horton, M.D.
A steroid solution

A steroid solution

New research suggests that, for many patients, an asthma medication could promote COVID-19 recovery

Could ivermectin be effective against the coronavirus?

The road to a “safe and effective” coronavirus vaccine—and who will get it first

As cold weather approaches, consider these ways to minimize indoor coronavirus exposure


Some researchers suggest the threshold for herd immunity is lower than we thought, but ending social distancing measures prematurely would be a mistake

A Texas doctor claims he’s found a cure for COVID-19, but the evidence is still out

Leaders’ missteps have created mistrust, but we still have to fight a pandemic

Checking in on the global effort to create a COVID-19 vaccine

Finally, a cheap, effective, and uncontroversial COVID-19 treatment

Peer review failures by top science journals may undermine trust in medical science