Charissa is a WORLD reporter who often writes about poverty-fighting and criminal justice. She resides with her family in Atlanta.
Follow Charissa Koh on Twitter @CharissaKoh
Online prostitution ads have gone down, but the ones that remain have also gone dark
Health problems taught David and Ruth Daumer to rely on each other (Fourth in a series on long marriages)
The White House might get more involved in the California homelessness crisis
Job prospects, income, and the economy show positive growth
Forgiveness enabled Kathi and Hal Higley to heal from trauma and an affair (Third in a series on long marriages)
Campaign season brings back a flawed idea for fighting poverty
How will state governments spend the money gained from opioid lawsuits?
The Griffithses overcame challenges to build a marriage in the mission field (Second in a series on long marriages)
Try Pie Bakery teaches job skills in a diverse Iowa community
New rule could keep immigrants who receive welfare from getting their green cards