Carolina Lumetta | WORLD
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Carolina Lumetta

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.

Follow Carolina Lumetta on Twitter @CarolinaLumetta

Articles by Carolina Lumetta
How TikTokers went VIP at the DNC

How TikTokers went VIP at the DNC

The Democratic National Convention gave special treatment to social media influencers this year, annoying traditional reporters but signaling a possible future political strategy

Carolina Lumetta | THE 360 | Young Democrats discover getting their peers involved in politics is an uphill battle

The reliably red state has become a swing state as more voters become politically unaffiliated


The presidential candidates begin their final sprint to Election Day in a dead heat

Pro-Palestinian activists make a stand on the sidelines

Establishment Democrats celebrate Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention