Carolina Lumetta | WORLD
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Carolina Lumetta

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.

Follow Carolina Lumetta on Twitter @CarolinaLumetta

Articles by Carolina Lumetta

Election guide: What’s happening in Arizona?

Your guide to the midterm elections in the Grand Canyon State

Swing state voters talk about candidate quality, scandal, polarization, the 2020 election, and more

The race in Georgia is one that will play a role in determining who controls the U.S. Senate.

Your guide to the midterm elections in the Keystone State


What is on voters’ minds as the midterm elections get closer?

Carolina Lumetta, Leah Savas, Emma Freire | Inflation. Abortion. An unpopular president. And yes, Donald Trump. The factors weighing on voters’ minds make the 2022 midterms among the most unique elections in American history

Carolina Lumetta | The fight for control of Congress will come down to a few key races

Democrats meddle in Republican races and wait to see a risky move play out

Your guide to the midterm elections in the Peach State

Midterm candidates are either refusing to debate or waiting until the last second