Carolina Lumetta | WORLD
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Carolina Lumetta

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.

Follow Carolina Lumetta on Twitter @CarolinaLumetta

Articles by Carolina Lumetta
Are U.S. railroads safe?

Are U.S. railroads safe?

BACKGROUNDER | Assessing railway safety after a disastrous train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio

North Korean women who defected found healing in the gospel

Understanding how and why banks get in hot water

A community has plenty of water but doesn’t trust the people telling them to drink it


The sights, sounds, and smells of a community shaken by the derailment and explosion of train cars carrying toxic chemicals.

WORLD’s Washington Bureau gives a roundup of news from Capitol Hill. Plus: An excerpt from George Washington’s farewell address.

The highly anticipated report fills in some details but redacts crucial information on charges

Lawmakers say numerous classified briefings have brought few answers

POLITICS | Abortion takes the spotlight in Wisconsin election