Candi Cushman | WORLD
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Candi Cushman

Candi is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Candi Cushman

Trojan horse toys

Candi Cushman | Parents wary of toy makers bearing unwelcome gifts

Candi Cushman | Youth Reach groups fight destructive teen attitudes and obstructive government policies

Candi Cushman | Are "Hell Houses" a good Halloween alternative for teens or a witnessing tool that goes too far?

Candi Cushman | As liberal cultural forces tug at the historic Miss America contest, some beauty queens say many pageants prefer that contestants abstain from having abstinence platforms


Candi Cushman |

Candi Cushman | Five incumbents knocked off as Vermonters battle over the state's civil union law

Candi Cushman | Airlines require Saturday night stayovers for discount fares, but family-friendly business travelers are starting to fight back

Candi Cushman | A judge gives protection to an unborn child

Candi Cushman | While some churches struggle, hundreds of Christian niche groups-with names like Christian Chefs, Cops for Christ, and the Christian Wrestling Federation-are making waves.

Candi Cushman | As medical groups walk the gay line, some doctors say homosexuals should be allowed to choose change