Caleb Morell | WORLD
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Caleb Morell

Caleb Morell

Caleb Morell (M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a senior pastoral assistant at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. He lives with his wife and two children in Washington, D.C.

Articles by Caleb Morell
Anthony Comstock strikes back

Anthony Comstock strikes back

Caleb Morell | After Dobbs, the government should enforce the law and protect women and children

Caleb Morell | Abortion advocates try to rewrite the history of feminism

Caleb Morell | We must practice theological triage and defend the church against error

Caleb Morell | Have we learned anything from the Northern Baptist debacle 100 years ago?


Caleb Morell | Carl F.H. Henry’s challenge to the church is as important today as it was 75 years ago