Cal Thomas | WORLD
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Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Cal contributes weekly commentary to WORLD Radio. Over the last five decades, he worked for NBC News, FOX News, and USA Today and began his syndicated news column in 1984. Cal is the author of 10 books, including What Works: Commonsense Solutions to the Nation's Problems.

Follow Cal Thomas on Twitter @CalThomas

Articles by Cal Thomas

Fighting the sex industry

Cal Thomas | The Best Friends program shows how abstinence education can work in public schools

Cal Thomas | Politicians want to "do something" about high prices at the pump, but regulation will make matters worse

Cal Thomas | Two generations of "doing your own thing" have exploded the American nuclear family

NBC chief complains that in the race to the bottom, cable has the edge


Cal Thomas | Murder suspect's arrest gives dominant media culture an opportunity to tar the pro-life movement

Cal Thomas | Our success as a nation depends less on what happens in the White House than in our own homes

Cal Thomas | Washington could cut taxes and pay down the debt if it would just eliminate some outrageous programs

Cal Thomas | An interview with Vice President Dick Cheney

Cal Thomas | Tax cut-fueled prosperity in Ireland shows the wisdom of supply-side economics-and why George W.