Bob Brown | WORLD
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Bob Brown

Bob is a movie reviewer for WORLD. He is a World Journalism Institute graduate and works as a math professor. Bob resides with his wife, Lisa, and five kids in Bel Air, Md.

Follow Bob Brown on Twitter @RightTwoLife

Articles by Bob Brown
Brainy Arrival surprises with powerful pro-life message

Brainy Arrival surprises with powerful pro-life message

Alien tale is a tearjerker for the right reasons

It isn't perfect, but Trolls is worth seeing

I’m Not Ashamed looks at the life of a normal American teen who died affirming her faith

Conventional action movie sequel has few thrills or surprises


Campy sci-fi flick targets tween boys

Voiceless takes a hard look at effective opposition to abortion

Dull characters flatten a visually sensational film

Storks counters society's usual tropes about ‘choice’

Amid profanity and promiscuity, at least there’s no mention of abortion

Oliver Stone portrays Edward Snowden as an innocent whistleblower