Bob Brown | WORLD
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Bob Brown

Bob is a movie reviewer for WORLD. He is a World Journalism Institute graduate and works as a math professor. Bob resides with his wife, Lisa, and five kids in Bel Air, Md.

Follow Bob Brown on Twitter @RightTwoLife

Articles by Bob Brown

A time to embrace

Historical drama The Best of Enemies shows the transforming value of time spent together

Unplanned recounts an activist's journey out of the abortion industry

Faith film Run the Race keeps its message real

Futuristic Alita: Battle Angel majors on mayhem, minors on meatier themes


Everyone’s favorite toy building blocks chase another zany adventure in The Lego Movie 2

Heroism, friendship, and forgiveness mark fantasy adventure The Kid Who Would Be King

On the Basis of Sex spotlights Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fight against sex discrimination

A Dog’s Way Home is a cute tale encumbered by secular values

In The Mule, a foolish protagonist shortchanges an otherwise thought-provoking film