Bethel has a doctorate in math and is a widely published freelance writer. Her work has appeared in First Things, National Review, The Spectator, and many other national and international outlets. Her Substack, Further Up, is one of the top paid newsletters in “Faith & Spirituality” on the platform. She has also contributed to two essay anthologies on Jordan Peterson. When not writing social criticism, she enjoys writing about literature, film, music, and history.
Follow Bethel McGrew on Twitter @BMcGrewvy
Bethel McGrew | Sometimes a onesie is more than a onesie
Bethel McGrew | The catalogue of Target’s former trans designer reveals a troubled soul
Bethel McGrew | The arguments against conscience protections for healthcare workers are predictably thin
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Bethel McGrew | We need to discuss public schooling
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Bethel McGrew | Declining to answer a question is not more honest than answering it
Bethel McGrew | The story of the dynamic evangelist still deserves to be told
Bethel McGrew | Writers seem to have no language other than eros to express deep affection between men