Bekah McCallum | WORLD
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Bekah McCallum

Bekah McCallum

Bekah is a reviewer, reporter, and editorial assistant at WORLD. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Anderson University.

Articles by Bekah McCallum

Asteroid City

MOVIE | Wes Anderson’s latest offering doesn’t land

LIFESTYLE | Atlanta-area nonprofit serves children with disabilities

BOOKS | Hard truths and good advice about pornography

TRENDING | As doctored images of women circulate on the internet, laws against deepfakes haven’t kept up


BOOKS | A novel that’s worth your time, and one that may not be

CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Four recent novels reviewed

BOOKS | A new whodunit might not be worth its hype

BOOKS | Authors build stories around views of work and life

TRENDING | Matchmaking services grow in the age of dating apps

BOOKS | Authors offer a dark history and a surprising critique