Arsenio Orteza | WORLD
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Arsenio Orteza

Arsenio Orteza

Arsenio is a music reviewer for WORLD Magazine and one of its original contributors from 1986.

Follow Arsenio Orteza on Twitter @ArsenioOrteza

Articles by Arsenio Orteza

Bestselling CDs

The five bestselling internet albums according to Billboard magazine

Apartheid film shows good but flawed men who are shaped by their fate

The Illusionist will draw in viewers and keep them debating

Hilary & Haylie play Paris & Nicole


Step Up takes a familiar formula and pumps it full of energy

Arsenio Orteza | Nearly three decades of summers since Slow Train Coming captivated new and old believers, reclusive rock legend Bob Dylan surfaces in a new album this month and a revealing documentary

Arsenio Orteza | A documentary covering punk legend Arthur "Killer" Kane shows conversion of a different sort

Time-travel romance is short on sparks and suspense

Arsenio Orteza | Bobby Darin's half-brother, Gary Walden, speaks out about Kevin Spacey's Beyond the Sea, a movie that he says paints an ugly and inaccurate view of his family

Arsenio Orteza | Working with the Beach Boys and other rock luminaries, Jeffrey Foskett has been in-but not of-the rock 'n' roll world almost as long as he has been a Christian.