Alisa Harris | WORLD
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Alisa Harris

Alisa is a WORLD Journalism Institute graduate and former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Alisa Harris
Abortion debate

Abortion debate

Pro-lifers differ on their interpretation of abortion provisions in the pending healthcare bill

A campaign in Georgia accuses Planned Parenthood of encouraging black women to abort

The Moroccan government deports foreign Christians, accusing them of proselytizing

Alisa Harris | Pro-life activists gather to fight a proposed international, billion-dollar, pro-abortion agency


Alisa Harris | Post-Kelo laws were supposed to stop the use of eminent domain for the benefit of private developers; in New York and elsewhere, the taking continues

Alisa Harris | Undercover reports shine an unwanted light on Planned Parenthood, but the group escapes prosecution

David Paterson's decision not to run for governor of New York should help Democrats

Alisa Harris | The nation's nonprofit hospitals are facing high costs and big debts, but help from Washington may compromise their mission

Alisa Harris | Ignoring conscience objections and taxpayer protection, the administration forces military bases to carry Plan B

Though Lila Rose's videos shot at Planned Parenthood locations are incriminating, no one yet has been convicted