Addie Offereins | WORLD
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Addie Offereins

Addie Offereins

Addie is a WORLD reporter who often writes about poverty fighting and immigration. She is a graduate of Westmont College and the World Journalism Institute. Addie lives with her family in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Articles by Addie Offereins
New immigration rules mean relief for some, removal for others

New immigration rules mean relief for some, removal for others

The United States tries to fight illegal border crossing with new legal entry rules

Title 42 is still in place despite a judge’s order to end it

The Supreme Court demands a plan

Worn-out approaches to homelessness, the immigration crisis, and the fentanyl epidemic dominated 2022


BACKGROUNDER | One Texas facility has taken in 1,500 to 2,000 new immigrants each day in recent months

Border buildup reveals need for asylum reform

An accelerating border crisis will further strain overtaxed agents

A new initiative from New York’s mayor seeks to provide mental healthcare to the city’s homeless population

Data so far testifies to an accelerating crisis