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Mindy Belz | With hyperinflation and election violence a (recent) memory, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe strengthens his grip ahead of coming elections despite a stalled comeback


As a nation collapses, God's people are making a difference

Jamie Dean | Amid transition and tragedy, Morgan Tsvangirai gains momentum in Zimbabwe

Now that he's installed as prime minister, Morgan Tsvangirai looks to overcome hardships and overhaul a ruined nation

Mark Bergin | Zimbabweans are starving and inflation is out of sight, but Auntie Paula's motto is "I can't say no"

Food is scarce, prices are skyrocketing, fear reigns-and the man behind it all, Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, just inaugurated himself to another term of office

Jamie Dean | A clamp on election results and new land evictions have southern Africa fearful of a violent explosion to come