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The Olasky Interview gives you the substance you’ve always wanted from interviews with prominent figures. WORLD's former editor in chief Marvin Olasky knows exactly what questions to ask. This seasonal program is intended to satiate news and culture enthusiasts of faith.
REWIND: A conversation with Michael Card
Only with Jesus as his Master can a person find true freedom
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Emma Green
Emma Green is a religion reporter for The Atlantic. In this 2019 interview, Marvin Olasky talks with Green about some of her memorable stories and how she has navigated contested topics.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Frank Wolf
Frank Wolf is an American politician who served 34 consecutive years in Congress. In Episode 8 of The Olasky Interview, he talks with Marvin about the fall of communism and how he has called attention to religious oppression around the globe.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Roland Warren
Roland Warren is the president and CEO of Care Net, the largest network of pregnancy resource centers in the nation. In episode 7 of The Olasky Interview, he shares his own personal story and talks with Marvin about the importance of "the first responder" in crisis pregnancies.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Roland Warren
Roland Warren is the president and CEO of Care Net, the largest network of pregnancy resource centers in the nation. In episode 7 of The Olasky Interview, he shares his own personal story and talks with Marvin about the importance of "the first responder" in crisis pregnancies.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Stephanos Bibas
Stephanos Bibas is a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and the author of two books. In this 2019 interview, he talks with Marvin about changes he’d like to see in the justice system, his faith, and what motivates him as a judge.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Melanie Kirkpatrick
Melanie Kirkpatrick is a journalist, author, and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. In Episode 5 of the Olasky Interview, she talks with Marvin about the people she interviewed who escaped North Korea and those who helped them.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Luis Palau
Luis Palau was an author and evangelist who was born and raised in Argentina. In this 2014 interview, Marvin Olasky talks with Palau and his two sons about their spiritual journeys, reaching the lost with the gospel, and community relations in Portland, Oregon.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Mez McConnell
Mez McConnell is an author and senior pastor from Scotland. In this 2018 interview, Marvin Olasky talks with McConnell about how he came to faith in Christ and why mercy ministries can sometimes do more harm than good.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Christina Hoff Sommers
Christina Hoff Sommers is an author and former professor who is known for her critique of gender feminism. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, Marvin Olasky talks with Sommers about the differences between boys and girls and how our education system misses those differences.
The Olasky Interview, Season 3: Bob Fu
Bob Fu is the founder of China Aid. In this 2014 interview, Marvin Olasky talks with Fu about his journey from beggar to international religious freedom advocate.
The Olasky Interview: Season 3
A new 10-episode season of The Olasky Interview begins March 23rd. Guests include Bob Fu, Luis Palau, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Tucker Carlson.
The Olasky Interview: Albert Mohler (2019)
Albert Mohler is a theologian and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, Marvin Olasky and Albert Mohler discuss WORLD’s approach to Christian journalism. Plus, Mohler fields questions from WORLD staffers.
The Olasky Interview: Samuel Rodriguez
Samuel Rodriguez is an evangelical leader and president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. In this 2012 interview, Marvin Olasky talks with Rodriguez about politics and conservatism in the Hispanic community.
The Olasky Interview: Ross Douthat
Ross Douthat is an author and a New York Times columnist. In this classic interview from 2011, host Marvin Olasky talks with Douthat about politics and Christianity in America.
The Olasky Interview: Donna Rice Hughes
Donna Rice Hughes is an author, speaker, and founder of Enough Is Enough. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, host Marvin Olasky talks with Hughes about her personal testimony, internet safety, and efforts to confront online pornography and trafficking.
The Olasky Interview: Michael Wear
Michael Wear is the founder of Public Square Strategies and a leading expert at the intersection of faith, politics, and American public life. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, host Marvin Olasky talks with Wear about faith, politics, and Wear’s time in the Obama administration.
The Olasky Interview: Tim Carney
Tim Carney is an author, the commentary editor at the Washington Examiner, and a visiting fellow with the American Enterprise Institute. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, Marvin Olasky and Tim Carney discuss some of the factors that led to President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory and whether those factors are still in play for this year’s election.
The Olasky Interview: Paul Miller
Paul Miller is a Bible teacher, theologian, and author of J-Curve, WORLD’s 2019 Book of the Year for accessible theology. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, Marvin Olasky and Paul Miller discuss suffering and resurrection within the Christian life.
The Olasky Interview: Justin Giboney
Justin Giboney is an Atlanta attorney and political strategist. On this episode of The Olasky Interview, Marvin Olasky and Justin Giboney discuss how to increase Christian engagement in culture and politics—namely the Democratic Party.